Monday, 4 July 2011

How to redirect to error page in view?

Recently I made a forum answer post to how you can redirect to a customised error page in ASP NET MVC 2 for error pages?

Here is the answer: -

<customErrorsmode="On"defaultRedirect="CustomErrorView" >
<errorstatusCode="404"redirect="Error/Error404" />
<errorstatusCode="500"redirect="Error/Error500" />
< /customErrors>

The controller:

public class ErrorController : Controller
// Return the 404 not found page
public ActionResult Error404()
return View();

// Return the 500 not found page
public ActionResult Error500()
return View();

This could be done with a static page if needed:

<customErrorsmode="On" >

<errorstatusCode="404"redirect="Static404.html" />

< /customErrors>

The link to the forum post is

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