Friday, 1 May 2009

Double check the logic

As part of the task, I had been given some logic from a specification like this, and have to code (similar to this) in C++: -

On paper

There are 6 categories, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Two images, image1, and image 2.

if (category == "A" || cateogory == "B")
Output Image1

if (category != "B" || category != "B")
Output Image2

The code that I wrote: -

if (category == "A" || category == "B")

if (category != "A" || category != "B")

Now this is wrong in terms of the logic, which I had found out that if it specifies this in the logic, the code doesn't reflect this.
This is because, say category A can fall into both the if statements, its an OR statement so it can meet the criteria of category B

Solution :

if (category != "A")
//Fall into the next one
if (category != "B")

This solves the logical error.

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