Thursday, 17 May 2007

All about blogs!!! And google :)

I thought I might create another blog site for my site, knowing that on my website using cpanel, didn't actually contain any more add-in scripts to install, I had to revert to using, which is really easy to use, two steps and youre done, the simplest I have seen!! I try and make this blog, a more geeky customed oriented place. I already added some techy words already :) Partly because my wordpress site is becoming slightly more and more absurd in what I typed in, and this is for the technically savvy minded where I am at most in sync with my technical thoughts :)
So, looking at, hurrahh for all the developers there, I have observed how google has become over the last few months this year, and boy have they dominated the simple minded on the earth (what an innovation), google calendar..I stumbled upon it, and now google wordpad and spreasheets. I wouldnt be surprised if they have added a database program on there soon enough!!! I briefly had a glimpse that they have added google blog.....a bit late in the making, but that I think will be a big thing for them!!
Just randomly typed in geek blogs into google, surprisingly enough there isnt no techy wizards at the top of the list, there is only one blog belonging to the name Schobleizer, see as fifth on the list. is the top, but doesn't that blog look really bad :(
If you happen to love Lotus, I stumbled upon
Surprisingly enough a strange blog by an unknown guy Kyle MacDonald, who claims to have traded a red single paper clip for a house is nith top when I type "blog" in google beating Jonathan Schwartz's (technical lead of Sun Microsystem's popular blog, which is a company I used to work for :) ) ...amazing (Kyle MacDonald must of had a lot of google ads beating him to 10th place)!
Another strange weird blog which is not really a blog at all is which reminds me of the old text adventure games I used to play, I wouldn't mind having that sort of thing in my website!

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